
How to Fix a Stuck Laptop Cursor on Windows 10?

Is there anyone who knows about how to fix a stuck laptop cursor on Windows 10. I am facing some issues while trying to fix the stuck cursor issues in Windows 10 laptop. Help me.

Cyrus Neal 1   Ans 6 months ago
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Fix a Stuck Laptop Cursor on Windows 10:

Working on the laptop or on the computer basically requires the cursor to be active and moving to every corner of the screen. But on various occasions, the cursor may hang up thereby obstructing the functioning of the system.

I faced a similar situation while working on my laptop. I tried to troubleshoot the stuck laptop cursor on Windows 10 issue and I found a few possible solutions that are presented in the form of a user-friendly guide hereunder. 

Look for a Touchpad Switch on the Keyboard

As the very first step, you should look for the key on your keyboard that has the image or icon of the keypad. After locating the key, press it to verify whether the cursor actually starts moving on the screen. If it doesn’t, then you must glance over the entire row of function keys and find the key that shows the touchpad icon.

Ideally, it is F7, whereas in some laptops it could be F5 and F9. Please note that pressing the function key in isolation won’t work, instead, you should press and hold the function key along with the relevant function key on the top. This should help fix the stuck laptop cursor on Windows 10 issue. Else, you can resort to the other way discussed below.

Check Your Windows 10 Settings

There may also be a possibility of the mouse remaining disabled ultimately leading to a stuck laptop cursor on the Windows 10 issue. To fix this up, you must follow the steps given hereunder.

Step 1 - Click the Windows button and type “Mouse” on the search bar and choose Mouse from the list that pops up. In the case of Windows 10, simply type Mouse in the taskbar.

Step 2 - Now go to Related Settings after which click on Additional Mouse Settings in the dialogue box that gets opened.

Step 3 – As soon as the Mouse Properties Window gets opened, go on to click the Hardware Tab to check that the touchpad button is highlighted. Subsequently, click on the Properties option available above the OK button.

Step 4 – In the new window that opens, click on the General Tab and select the Change Settings option. Here you may be required to enter login details. Apparently, everything will appear to be fine but you will have to enable the device by clicking on Enable Device option under the Driver tab heading.

LED on Touchpad?

Many a time, the LED on the top-left corner of HP laptops may have remained On, eventually leading to the cursor remaining disabled. You can fix this stuck laptop cursor on Windows 10 by simply giving a double tap on it. This would have the effect of enabling your cursor on the laptop.

Mick Jone 30 August 2022