
How do I fix my DNS server issues on Windows 10?

Hello everyone, I use to operate windows and now I want fix my DNS server issues. So can anyone have any idea how do I fix my DNS server issues on Windows 10?

John Oxley 1   Ans 6 months ago
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Fix my DNS server issues on Windows 10

Below are the few methods to fix my DNS server issues on Windows 10 to have smooth access on your internet without any disturbance.

Use command Prompt

  1. Start a command prompt as administrator.

  2. You need to click on windows key + X in order to open the power user menu and then click on command prompt (admin) under that.

  3. When the command prompt appears on your screen, enter the following:

  4. ipconfig /flushdns

  5. ipconfig /registerdns

  6. ipconfig /release

  7. ipconfig /renew

  8. NETSH Winsock reset catalogue

  9. NETSH int ipv4 reset reset.log

  10. NETSH int ipv6 reset reset.log

  11. Exit

  12. Lastly, make sure that the issue has been resolved.

Turn the Peer to Peer Download for Windows Updates Off

At times windows update might trigger the issues with DNS. so to fix my DNS server issues on Windows 10, below are the steps.

  1. Go to the settings app and then click on update and security.

  2. Click on advanced options.

  3. Again click on Choose how updates are delivered.

  4. Tick on give me updates for other Microsoft products when I update window.

  5. Now click on PC’s on my local network and turn the updates from more than one place off.

  6. Lastly, close the settings app and ensure if the issue is resolved.

Change the Settings of Power Options

  1. Press on Windows key + S and press enter and choose the power options from the menu.

  2. Locate your current power plan and then click on change plan settings.

  3. Next click on Change advanced power settings.

  4. Locate wireless adapter settings and set them to maximum performance.

  5. Click on Apply and then on OK to save the changes.

Reinstall the network adapter drivers

  1. Press Windows key + X, and then select device manager from the appeared list.

  2. Locate your network adapter, right-click on it and choose to uninstall.

  3. Click on the scan for hardware changes button, once you uninstall it.

  4. Once again locate your network adapter, right-click on it and select update driver software.

  5. Select the option to search automatically for updated driver software.

  6. Wait for Windows 10 to download and install the necessary software on your device.

  7. We also recommend using a third-party tool to automatically download all the outdated drivers on your PC.

Ensure to enable Microsoft LLDP Protocol Driver

  1. Press Windows key + X, and select network connections.

  2. Locate your network connection, right-click on it and then select properties, once the network connection window will appear on your screen.

  3. Locate Microsoft LLDP protocol driver, and ensure that is enabled.

  4. In order to save changes, click on OK.

Performing clean boot to fix my DNS server issues on Windows 10

  1. Press Windows key + R and enter msconfig. 

  2. Click on ok and then press enter.

  3. Click on service tab, once the system configuration window appears.

  4. Firstly check on hide all Microsoft services, and then click on disable all option.

  5. Click on Apply and then on OK to save changes.

  6. Lastly, reboot the system. 

The configuration of the wireless router needs to be changed

You need to change your wireless settings in order to fix my DNS server issues on Windows 10.

Sometimes the issue might trigger due to wireless frequencies and standards.

  1. Windows 10 has problems with 2.4GHz networks, therefore if your wireless adapter supports 5GHz frequency make sure that you use it.

  2. In case your adapter doesn’t work with 5GHz frequency then be sure to use 2.4GHz Legacy option instead.

Use google’s public DNS server

  1. Go to network connections, locate your connection, right-click it and select properties.

  2. The properties window will open, click on Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4).

  3. Then got to properties.

  4. Select Use the following DNS server addresses and set as Preferred DNS server and as Alternate DNS server.

  5. Click on OK to save the changes.

Note: Alternatively, some users are suggesting to use as Preferred DNS server and as Alternate DNS server.

Change the MAC address of the network adapter

  1. Start Command Prompt as administrator.

  2. Type ipconfig /all and press Enter.

  3. Locate Physical Address value. That is the MAC address. In this case that was 00-A1-FF-05-DA-11.

  4. Go to network connections and open your network adapter properties.

  5. Click on the configure button.

  6. Open the Advanced tab and choose the Network Address. Check Value option and type the MAC address in the above step. Make sure to not enter any dashes.

  7. Lastly, click on the OK button followed by restarting your computer system in order to fix my DNS server issues on Windows 10.

Remove Winsock keys from the Registry

  1. Press Windows key + R, and type regedit.

  2. Press enter to start the registry editor.

  3. On the left panel, go to Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.

  4. And then to SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services.

  5. Now locate Winsock and Winsock2 keys.

  6. Then right-click on each key and then click on Export.

  7. Save it as Winsock and Winsock2.

  8. Once you have exported both Winsock as well as Winsock2 keys, you need to delete them. Right-click each key and select Delete under the menu.

  9. Reboot your computer system and start registry editor again.

  10. Open the file and click on import.

  11. Click on Winsock and then on Open.

  12. Once you import Winsock file, start importing the Winsock2 as well.

  13. Reboot your system again and make sure that the issue is resolved.

John Oxley 09 June 2021