
How to Fix It When the Windows 10 Screensaver Is Not Working?

Hello, Please let me know how to Fix It When the Windows 10 Screensaver Is Not Working?. I am facing some issues in Windows 10 Screensaver. I don't know how to resolve it. Help me.

Ron Wagner 1   Ans 6 months ago
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Windows 10 Screensaver Is Not Working

As it seems, issues with the screensaver square measure quite common in Windows ten. In fact, windows 10 screensaver not working problems are available in numerous forms. You’ve upgraded to Windows ten from Windows eight.1 or Windows seven and currently, your figure isn’t operating any longer.

You probably did a contemporary install of Windows ten however the figure still isn’t operating or even if it’s operating however solely intermittently. In today’s article can undergo a number of items that may stop your figure from operating and what to try in every case to repair it.

Check Screen Saver Setup/Settings

If your screen saver isn’t operating it would be as a result of it isn’t enabled or designed properly. To examine the screen saver settings right click on the beginning menu button and choose instrument panel.

Click on look and Personalization then on change screen saver under Personalization

this will refer to the screen saver Settings window. Here you'll choose that screen saver you’d like to use, customize it and set the time before it seems. Ensure that everything is designed properly.

Unplug Unwanted or External Devices

Any enabled or connected device represents a possible trigger regarding the windows 10 screensaver not working. Users and processes with privileges on a virtual machine will connect or disconnect hardware devices, like network adapters and compact disc read-only memory drives.

The unnecessary plugged devices will doubtless trigger a screensaver to appear leading to a denial of service. After disconnecting, connect it one by one to check if it works.

 Check for Updates for Windows/Drivers

Windows or drivers update is one of the most important steps to fix the screen saver issues. Windows and drivers both are prone to bugs. You can for new windows updates by clicking on the settings underlying start menu. Select the update and security section, click on windows update from the left panel and then click on check for updates button.

For driver updates, you need to check the windows websites to check if it’s available according to your model’s name and then you can install it once you find it.

Manage Reset Option

Sometimes, rebooting a device is a very powerful solution. Since a screen saver is a power-saving feature and is connected to power options. There are chances that it might get corrupted. Here’s a guide to what exactly has to be done:

Choose power and open choose power plan. Your current power plan will appear on your screen. Select change plan settings with your next plan. Go to Change advanced power settings, and in that select reset plan settings.

So this is how you set your settings back to default which might be one of the reasons for the triggered screen saver.

Check for Troubleshooting Power

Here’s how you will use the troubleshooter to fix your screensaver issues.

  • Go to settings underlying start menu
  • Select update and security
  • Choose Troubleshoot from the left side and select power category
  • Now click on run the troubleshooter in order to make it run
  • I hope it fixes the issue after you restart the device.

Run DISM and SFC

Type “cmd” in your start menu, right-tap on Command Prompt, and select Run as administrator. Choose yes and then type the command (DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth) before pressing enter.

Reconsider Using a Screensaver

Before you fix all the issues, try giving a second thought if you really need a screensaver because they are a thing of the past. If you’re using an LCD monitor, you don’t need a screensaver at all. In fact, screensavers can actually do more harm than good to you. Screensavers are only useful if you’re using a CRT monitor, which we highly doubt.

I hope these tips help in solving the screen saver problems you’re facing in Windows 10. If not let us know in the comment section below and we’ll try to help you.

steven 29 August 2022