
How to Show File Extensions in Windows 10?

Hello,Please let me know How to show File Extensions in Windows 10.I don't know how to show it.I tried many times but unable to show it.Help me

Steven 1   Ans 1 week ago
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How Do I Show File Extensions in Windows 10?

You can set your windows in several different ways to show file extensions.  Some of the ways to show file extensions in your Windows 10 are by folder options, Windows file explorer, through the registry editor,  Windows command prompt, and group policy editor.  Taking the example of folder options, here is how you can follow the steps to show it file extension.  

Firstly, Go to the control panel and choose the option appearance and personalization.  Now choose the file explorer option, under the advanced settings, uncheck the hide extensions option, and proceed with clicking the  "apply" and "ok" options.  Windows provides enough options to view file extensions; you do not require any third-party software for it. 

1. Via Folder Options

Step 1. Go to control panel > select appearance and personalization.

Step 2. Click on folder options or file explorer option (also called as view tab).

Step 3. Uncheck the option  Hide extensions for known file types, under the tab advanced settings.

Step 4. Now click on apply and then ok.

Step 5. These are very simple steps to follow, and you do not need any third-party software to view file extensions. Windows provides us with everything which can be easily achieved, and the point lies in knowing and implementing them. 

2. Via Windows File Explorer

Step 1. Go to file explorer in Windows 10/8.

Step 2. Access it by clicking on view > options > change folder and search options.

Step 3. While in Windows 7, go to explorer > press Alt on your keyboard to make the classic bar appear.

Step 4. Click on tools > and then on folder options.

3. Through the Registry Editor

Step 1. Press the WINKEY + R button combination to start the Run utility, type in Regedit and press Enter. Once Registry Editor opens, navigate to the following key

Step 2. Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced

Step 3. Search for a DWORD entry labeled as HideFileExt.

Step 4. Now double click on the DWORD entry and set its value as 0.

Step 5. The hidden file extensions will display in your screen.

Step 6. The 0 value will hide the file extensions.

Step 7. Now exit the Registry Editor and restart your computer system for the changes to apply.

4. Show File Extensions in Windows 10 Using the Windows Command Prompt

Step 1. For this, you will have to insert a bootable drive of Windows 10 installer.

Step 2. Press the WINKEY + X button together, and then click on Command Prompt (Admin) in order to begin the command prompt with administrator privileges.

Step 3. Now go to the root location of the bootable device that you inserted inside the command prompt command line.

Step 4. Type the following after you get to the location.

(reg add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced /v HideFileExt /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f ) (ignore the outer bracket)

Step 5. Now tap Enter.

(you can even add the following To hide the file extensions reg add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced /v HideFileExt /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f )

5. Show File Extensions in Windows 10 Using Group Policy Editor

Step 1. Go to user configuration > select preferences > select control panel settings > folder options.

Step 2. Set “Show hidden files and folders” and uncheck the box of “Hide extensions for known file types”.

Step 3. Here how you can set the show file extensions in your Windows 8/10.

File extensions identify the file type and if you are a Windows user then it is simple to identify the file type. Different files have different extensions and it is very important to know the program you are using to open that file and trying to know its type.There are a lot of malware files on your PC and it can really infect your PC once you click on it. Thus, Setting your Windows to show file extensions is essential to avoid damage.

Due to some security reasons at times, you will have to set your Windows to hide or show the file type. And here we have shown you the ways you could show File Extensions in Windows 10. File extensions also help the operating system to identify the corresponding program to open that particular file. 

So, you should be able to see file extensions to be at the safer side, and we will let you know how to enable options to see file extensions in Windows.

John Oxley 28 February 2024