
How to Start Windows 11 in Safe Mode?

Is there anyone who knows how to start Windows 11 in safe mode. I am facing some issues while trying to start Windows 11. Help me.

Destin Porter 1   Ans 1 week ago
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Start Windows 11 in Safe Mode:

You can start Windows 11 in Safe Mode via the Windows Recovery Environment to ensure that basic files and folders of the computer setup are not causing essential problems and issues while loading. You can give effect to this by adhering to either of the ways mentioned in this quick guide and which are always available at your disposal.

Starting Windows 11 in Safe Mode in Windows Recovery Environment

Step 1 - Just begin by clicking the “Start” icon shown on your Taskbar followed by clicking the “Power” icon.

Step 2 - Now while you go on to press the “Restart” button just continue by clicking the “Shift” button along with.

Step 3 - Consequently your computer will get restarted and will also load the “Windows Recovery Environment” wherein you have to navigate and click on the “Troubleshoot” button.

Step 4 - At this stage, you have to click on the “Advanced Options” followed by clicking on the “Startup Settings” option to be cruising ahead with the objective to “Start Windows 11 in Safe Mode”.

Step 5 - Finally click the “Restart” button and then wait for several “Safe Mode” options to get listed. You can choose to click from a range of various “Safe Mode” options given below owing to the execution of which you will be able to “Start Windows 11 in Safe Mode” quite conveniently.

1 - Press “4” for enabling the “Safe Mode” without Networking.

2 - Press “5” for activating the “Safe Mode” with Networking.

3 - Pressing “6” for enabling the “Safe Mode” with “Command Prompt”.

You can also start Windows 11 in Safe Mode using the Sign-in screen

Step 1 - Here as well you have to click the “Power” icon first followed by the pressing and simultaneous holding of the “Shift” button.

Step 2 - As soon as your computer enters the “Windows Recovery Environment” you have to go following the course Troubleshoot > Advanced options > Startup Settings > Restart to allow your computer to start Windows 11 in Safe Mode.

Step 3 - Thereafter, you have to choose from options 4, 5, or 6 as mentioned in Step 5 of the above-discussed way of starting Windows 11 in Safe Mode to actually facilitate starting your computer in Safe Mode.

Start Windows 11 in Safe Mode using the Settings panel 

Step 1 - Simply take the initiative of clicking on “Settings” and then resuming to click on “System”.

Step 2 - Now scroll down a bit in the “System Settings panel and click on the “Recovery” option ideally shown in the middle.

Step 3 - Navigate and open the “Advanced Startup” section followed by clicking the “Restart now” button.

Step 4 - As a result of carrying out the above three steps your computer will restart in the Windows Recovery Environment.   

Step 5 - Now follow a series of clicking in a manner shown here sequentially - Troubleshoot > Advanced options > Startup Settings > Restart. 

Step 5 - Here again you will have to choose from either of the three options named 4, 5, or 6 as discussed in the topmost heading of this guide.

Steffan 30 March 2023