
How To Stop Windows 10 From Consuming Data?

Hi Everyone, Please let me know how To stop windows 10 from consuming data? I don't know how to stop it. I tried many times but unable to stop it. Help me.

John Oxley 1   Ans 1 week ago
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Stop Windows 10 From Consuming Data

Windows 10 as we all know is always up to date. This version is the most data-hungry version ever released by Windows. In case your bandwidth is limited, then you must have noticed that it gets eaten up very quickly. You must be wondering why does this happen? This is because your Windows 10 consumes data. However, you can stop your Windows 10 from consuming data. Here, we are available with various methods that you can apply to stop Windows 10 from consuming data.

In spite of all the automatic updates performed on your Windows 10, most of the data gets consumed by applications in use. The foremost thing that you are required to do is to check how much data every application on your PC is consuming. Before we continue with the solutions to stop Windows 10 from consuming data, let us first get to know how to check network usage on Windows 10.

How to Check Network Usage on Windows 10 Using Task Manager?

To check the network usage using the task manager, you will have to first open the Task Manager. The shortcut keys that you need to press to open task manager are Ctrl+Shift+Esc. You can also open the task manager by entering the task manager in the Start Menu.

Go to the Task Manager and select the tab of App History. There, you are going to see two columns of data consumption. One is the Network and the other one is a metered network.

After opening the Task Manager, you will notice that all the apps appearing in the list are either Windows store apps or core Windows apps. Strangely, the Task Manager does not display traditional Windows apps. There, you will get the idea of how much data, the apps are consuming.

Methods to Stop Windows 10 from Consuming Data

Method 1: Turn Off Apps in the Background

By default, there are certain apps that Windows keeps running in the background and they consume way too much data. In case you are not using any of the apps in the background, then it is advisable to turn them off. To turn off the apps, go to Settings, then Privacy, and then go to Background apps.

Method 2: Turn off Peer to Peer Update Sharing 

Windows 10 uses the internet to update apps to other Windows 10 computers and upload Windows by default. The updates will not get uploaded if the connection is metered. You can also fix this problem by turning off peer to peer update sharing.

To stop automatic uploads on every network, you will have to launch the Settings app and then move to Update and Security. From there, go to Windows update and then select "Advanced Options". After that, select the option of Choose how updates are delivered. Then disable it or set the option of PCs on my Local Network.

Method 3: Disable PC Syncing

This is one of the best features of Windows 10 and at the same time very useful. But you don't need to use this feature at all times. You can disable it and when you want to sync things, then you can enable it again. To disable PC syncing, you need to open the Settings app. From there, go to Accounts, Sync your settings, and then turn off the Sync settings. 

Method 4: Defer Windows Updates

In case you are using Windows 10 Pro, then you can take advantage of a feature that enables you to delay the download of new features for a long time. This can be a huge help as new improvements in the features may make your Windows consume a huge amount of data. The best part is that this feature does not interfere with the download and installation of security updates.  To defer updates, go to Settings, then Update and Security. After that, go to Windows update and then select Advanced Options. Scroll down and select Defer updates.

These are all the methods that you can use to stop Windows 10 from consuming data.

scottlevy 12 August 2021