
How To Troubleshoot And Fix Windows Black Screen Issues?

Hello, Please let me know that how to troubleshoot and fix Windows black screen issues. When i am starting my window then they show me black screen. I don't know why windows are not starting. help me in fixing black screen issue.

John Oxley 1   Ans 1 week ago
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Troubleshoot And Fix Windows Black Screen Issues:

When you declare, ‘BSOD,’ it generally means the Black Screen of Death, a frequent Windows error screen that comes into view as soon as a severe system fault occurs. At this point, be aware that the B in BSOD doesn’t always mean the black shade; at times, it can be a symbol of the blue color.

Another reason why BSOD error is a tricky problem is that it does not flaunt any error messages before crashing; as a result, it is difficult to pin down the reason that caused the crash. Nevertheless, a small number of well-known reasons tend to cause BSOD error.

Given Below are BSOD Resolutions that Troubleshoot and Fix Windows Black Screen Issues.

Software Error:

Sometimes, a common software error can set off a black screen. This error mostly takes place when you try to run a program that makes use of your full screen, like a PC game or a media player in full-screen mode.

In case the program does not put a video on show and locks up, it implies that you’ve transferred control of your PC. In such cases, the computer by and large works satisfactorily. No automatic restart or shutdown takes place, and any audio involvement keeps going.

You can make a replica of this problem by either introducing the program or facilitating a video setting, akin to a full-screen mode. Getting to the bottom of such a problem can be complicated; supposing that the bug is in the software, then this problem cannot be resolved.

Have a go at fixing it by running the program at an unusual resolution; also, attempt at running the software as an administrator. Assuming that issues persist, then that indicates that the program is fairly old; in such a situation, give enabling Windows compatibility mode a go.

Display Error or a Faulty Connection:

Video errors are one of the leading causes of the Black Screen of Death. When the video output is nil, then it symbolizes a black screen, regardless of the exact difficulty. Windows can even put forward a Blue Screen of Death, but perhaps you have never observed it! At this point, it is sensible to inspect your video connection. Double check that both ends of your DVI, HDMI or DisplayPort cable is tightly held and the cord intact.

In case you have recently modernized your monitor, ensure that your connection can genuinely cope with the resolution. A few versions of DVI and HDMI can’t manage resolutions higher than 1080p. If these resolutions prove ineffective, then perhaps the problems result from video adapter troubles. Let's say you own a separate video card; in that case, experiment with first taking out your card and later joining it to your motherboard’s integrated video (assuming that it has the capacity).

If your video display unit (VDU) operates satisfactorily, then the video card is problematic. Test it with the most recent driver version available or, if you have just done that, go back to your old driver. Furthermore, inspect the video card for clear indications of damage such as a shattered fan or burnt electronic components.

In case the monitor stops functioning as soon as it is linked to integrated graphics, then examine the monitor. Check out if it works all right with a different computer. Assuming that the monitor works fine with a different PC, then maybe there is a defect in hardware that controls the video card. More often than not, the hardware flaws will be in either the motherboard, the power supply, or the hard drive.

Computer Overheating:

Every single PC produces heat and if you want to maintain your system, then eliminate that hotness. If excessive heat accumulates in a PC’s design, then its pieces can burn to a crisp and even melt.

That’s upsetting news; thus, when drawing up plans for computers, shut down mechanisms are put together. This process implies that when the PC is shutting down, it will initiate an errorless black screen, that possibly will or will not bring about a restart.

You can look forward to a few sensational notifications or a whiff of burnt integrated circuits, but usually, they will not occur. What is most likely to happen is overheating by the video card or the processor. Summing up, be wary of the video card if you meet a black screen when your PC looks like it’s working (the fans are turned on, the hard drive light is active, and so on.)

On the other hand, let’s say the processor of your PC has become too hot, then under normal circumstances, a reboot or automatic shutdown of your PC will happen after a black screen appears. From time to time, you will get an alert on your POST screen, declaring that your CPU is overheated.

Get rid of these issues by first opening your PC and clearing out the cobwebs. Employ a vacuum to take out fine particles, residues, ashes, powders, dust, dirt, etc.; however, steer clear of cables inside and deplete a can of compressed air to remove persistent dirt.

In addition, scrutinize each fan in the PC and replace fans that are out of order. If you still get a BSOD, then it could be due to a damaged cooler or useless video card and/or processor.

Power Supply Complications:

Though PC users don’t usually think about their computer’s power supply, it is a critical PC components. Log on, log off, etc. all require you to switch a computer on in the correct way. All of a sudden, if power disappears, your PC will become dark.

At times, a troublesome PSU (Power Supply Unit) possibly will in part power one or two components, triggering off BSOD under heavy-duty load or casual conditions. It can be challenging to identify the nature of a power supply problem by examination of the symptoms, and you’ll often find the actual cause if you adopt the elimination process.

Supposing your video connection or the video card are working satisfactorily with no overheating of components, then it follows that the power supply is the cause. However, a weak power supply will stop being an issue if you’ve only just modernized your PC.

Every power supply has a cut-off point for the power that they make available and setting up a brand-new power-hungry video card or CPU can unsettle it. Lastly, like everything else, an aging PSU will accumulate damage to its parts over time.


Most of the time, BSOD or the black screen of death is the outcome of a software malfunction. Black screens that crop up arbitrarily are generally due to a crucial hardware problem that will necessitate either repair of its component or its substitution.

Steve 10 May 2021