
What are the Best Security & Privacy Features in Windows 11?

Please let me know what are the best security & privacy features in Windows 11. I am new to use Windows 11, I have a little bit knowledge about windows 11. Help me.

Cyrus Neal 1   Ans 1 month ago
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Best Security & Privacy Features in Windows 11:

In addition, Windows 11 requires sophisticated hardware, which may be a barrier to users switching from Windows 10, although the hardware requirement is justified given the advanced security capabilities provided, which require specific technology to perform smoothly.

Hardware-accelerated security is preferable to software security because it gives consumers twice the safety and privacy, allowing them to secure their data. Microsoft has previously deployed hardware-accelerated security in Windows 10, but the technology has been updated and upgraded in Windows 11 to provide even greater security features.

Security & Privacy Features in Windows 11

Here, we'll go through how well the security feature functions to figure out what's better and why the security and privacy features in the OS are better than the previous ones.

Why Hardware is Essential to Windows 11 Security

Windows secured-core pcs are a requirement of Windows 11, but they are not new. The necessary Trusted Platform Module (TPM) 2.0 provides a hardware root of trust, secure boot, and Bit-Locker disc encryption. Virtualization-based security (VBS) activated in the motherboard is the next need.

This allows the computer system to take advantage of virtualization features while also allowing the hypervisor to provide additional security for essential procedures. Browsers are isolated from Office operations and other elements on the PC due to this separation.

The Processor is classified as "secured-core," which can safeguard the system against firmware intrusions. However, these mandates demand that the system function at a higher level. Microsoft says that CPUs must be Generation 8 or higher, but that performance won't be affected if particular Generation 7 processors are used.

Microsoft can impose a "hardware root of trust" with TPM 2.0 or higher with VBS enabled by default. VBS separates a secure memory zone from the rest of the operating system. A 64-bit processor is required. Second-level address translation (SLAT), either Intel VT-X2 with Extended Page Tables (EPT) or AMD-v with Rapid Virtualization Indexing, must be supported by the Processor (RVI). Every day, privilege escalation attacks are attempted.

One such privilege attack that hardware root of trust should prevent is the recent PrintNightmare vulnerability in Windows Print Spooler code, allowing attackers to access a domain controller.

Isolation Helps Mitigate Common Threats.

By conducting necessary security procedures in an isolated environment, Microsoft's VBS and Hypervisor-Protected Code Integrity (HVCI), also known as memory integrity, provide superior protection against common and sophisticated malware.

For example, HVCI can protect against ransomware that uses kernel drivers, such as Trickbot. The influence of HVCI may already be seen in Surface computers that use this capability.

The Secure Boot Protects Firmware.

Next, Microsoft wants to make Secure Boot the default setting to ensure that the firmware on the computer has not been changed since it was built. System Guard checks that the device integrity is maintained as soon as the system boots up.

A management system like Intune or Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager can take action and potentially deny the device access to the network if the system is insecure.

Identity Management and Access Control have been Improved.

Microsoft intends to make it mandatory for Windows 10 Home users to log into the operating system using a Microsoft account. Additionally, while starting the computer to connect to two-factor platforms, the onboarding procedure will be improved.

They appear to be adding more frameworks to support federated sign-in providers like ADFS, Okta, and Ping. The BIOS requirements for Credential Guard (including VBS) ensure that identities and secrets are secured from outside attackers.

Any new version of an operating system will always be more advanced and powerful than earlier versions. The OS's power and efficiency will encompass almost every area of it, allowing users to perform and operate more effectively.

OS developers do their best and put everything they have into the OS they offer for public usage since they must maintain their position as one of the finest in the market to survive.

The OS's security and privacy capabilities are one such decisive element in today's tech-savvy environment. However, with cybercrime, virus attacks, and ransomware attacks growing more efficient and uncontrollable, insecure operating systems will no longer withstand these attacks, and users will migrate to a more secure operating system.

Microsoft has been a provider of operating systems for about three decades, with approximately 18 major OS versions. The OS is based on a hybrid kernel, which is not infallible, and it has more security risks than other OSes because to its large user base and the fact that hackers explicitly target the OS.

Even yet, Microsoft has done an excellent job in delivering the best security & privacy features in Windows 11. According to reports, Windows 11 will include sophisticated security capabilities that would successfully defend the machine from cyber threats.

Mick Jone 21 December 2021