
How to Fix Error Code 0x8019019a When Setting Up Yahoo Mail On Windows Mail App?

Please let me know that how to fix error code 0x8019019a when setting up Yahoo mail on Windows mail app. I am facing some issues in this. Help me.

Cyrus Neal 1   Ans 6 months ago
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Fix Error Code 0x8019019a When Setting Up Yahoo Mail On Windows Mail App:

The problem is most commonly reported following a Windows update (the user receives a notice in the Mail app saying "Your Account Settings are out of the current") or a password change. Still, it can also occur while setting up the Mail app for the first time for a Yahoo account.

Perform a restart of your computer before continuing with the options to fix the Mail app to rule out a temporary problem in the system. Also, see whether you can access your email using a web browser using the same credentials as the Mail app.

Also, make sure you're not using a VPN or proxy server to access the internet (a VPN or proxy may function OK with the web version of Yahoo mail, but it may obstruct access via a mail client).

Step by Step Guide to Fix Error Code 0x8019019a When Using The Windows Mail App To Set Up Yahoo Mail

Have you seen Error Code 0x8019019a? This issue has grown quite common across Yahoo communities, so you are not alone. We've outlined a few options for resolving error number 0x8019019a while setting up a Yahoo! Mail account in the Windows Mail app.

However, the first and most crucial step is to restart your computer since this will eliminate most temporary system issues. You can also try accessing email using a web interface to see if the app or the Yahoo server is the problem.

If the problem code is continuous and won't disappear after restarting your computer and opening Yahoo email using the web interface, you can try the options listed below.

Solution 1: Install the Latest Build of Windows and the Mail App.

Microsoft updates Windows regularly to fix known faults and add new features. It's possible that you won't be able to join your Yahoo account to the Mail app if your system's Mail app (or Windows) isn't up to date, as this can cause incompatibility between OS modules. In this case, updating your system's Windows and Mail app to the most recent build may resolve the issue.

Step 1: Update your system's Windows to the most recent version. Make sure that no optional updates are missed out.

Step 2: Then, while holding down the Windows key, type Mail. Then right-click on Mail and choose Share from the menu.

Step 3: The Mail app page will now appear on the Microsoft Store; if it does not work, close the Microsoft Store and repeat step 2.

Step 4: Then see if there's an update for the Mail app. If this is the case, update the Mail software and restart your computer. Check to see whether you can use your Yahoo account with the Mail app after rebooting.

Step 5: Check to see whether you can use your Yahoo account with the Mail app after rebooting.

Solution 2: Re-add the Yahoo Account to the Mail App

The Yahoo account problem could be caused by a temporary glitch in the system's communication components. The problem may be resolved if you remove and then re-add the Yahoo account to the Mail app.

Step 1: Open the Mail app and go to Accounts (in the window's left pane, just under New Mail).

Step 2: Then select Delete Account from the drop-down menu next to your Yahoo account.

Step 3: After quitting the Mail app, indicate that you want to delete the Yahoo account and reboot your computer.

Step 4: Restart the computer and add the Yahoo account to the Mail app again to see if the account issue has been addressed.

Step 5: If not, repeat the same procedures, but uncheck the option to Stay Signed in when adding the Yahoo account and see if the account problem is resolved.

Step 6: If the problem remains, repeat steps 1–4 but select Other Account POP, IMAP (not Yahoo) in the Add Account window, and then fill out the details to add the Yahoo account.

Step 7: Then see if the Yahoo account is compatible with the Mail app.

If the problem reappears, see if removing the Yahoo account and then re-adding it after changing the Yahoo password on the website solves the problem.

When a user cannot add his Yahoo account to the Mail app owing to an outdated or corrupted Mail app installation, the error code 0X8019019A appears. Furthermore, the problem could be caused by not providing an App-specific password instead of using a regular Yahoo account password.

The user gets the error when he tries to add (or fix) his Yahoo account in the Mail app and gets the 0X8019019A error (but the user can add or use accounts from other email providers).


Clearing malware, updating the Windows mail app, and upgrading your operating system are all options for resolving error code 0x8019019a. This problem is just temporary, so instead of worrying, consider resetting your computer.

This will restore your device's original settings and enhance its performance. But make sure you've tried all of the other options first, and only use it as a last option.

Mick Jone 02 March 2022