How to Stop or Disable Video Paused Continue Watching on YouTube?

But it is possible to remove this feature from your Windows PC or Macbook. This feature can be disabled for nonstop viewing of Youtube videos if you have a Google Chrome browser installed on your PC.

If you are playing a Youtube video on your PC, the video paused option will appear on your screen if you have left the page unattended for some time. So for all those viewers who are wondering on how to turn off continue watching on YouTube on your PC,  here comes the solution.

Add Extension to your Google Chrome Browser

  • Add Extension to the Google Chrome Browser on your PC.
  • Then select and click on the “Add Extension” option.
  • Your video paused option will be disabled automatically.
  • Now that you know how to stop or disable Video Paused Continue Watching on Youtube, check out the commonly used Extensions for Windows PC.
  • Youtube Auto Pause Extension
  • Youtube Nonstop Extension

Steps on How YouTube Video Paused Continue Watching Disable using Auto Pause Extension:

  • Install Youtube Auto pause Blocker on the browser of your PC. 
  • The Auto Pause Blocker can only be installed on PC and cannot be used on Mobile devices like Android or iPhones.
  • Click and add the Extension to Google Chrome.
  • Once the extension has been installed successfully, it stops the Video Paused Continue Watching mode on Youtube. 
  • The Video Paused feature will no longer pop up on your Computer screen when you are watching your favorite videos.
  • You can now watch YouTube videos uninterrupted as long as you want to without any breaks or pauses.

Steps on How to Disable Continue Watching on Youtube Using Non-Stop Extension:

  • Install Youtube Non-Stop Extension on the Google Chrome browser of your Personal computer.
  • This Extension can be installed on your computer free of cost.
  • Click and add the extension to your computer.
  • The Non-Stop Extension will automatically disable the Video Paused Continue Watching mode on Youtube.
  • After installing this Extension successfully, there will be no more pop-up notifications of Youtube video paused and you can continue to watch all your favorite videos on Youtube without any interruptions.
  • This Extension supports both Youtube videos and Youtube Music apps. Thus you can watch and listen to your favorite music videos without any gaps.
  • The best functionality of the Youtube Non-Stop option is that it works on both full screen and mini screen Youtube videos.

If the Youtube video has been left unattended for some time the Video paused Continue watching message flashes on the screen. The video continues to play if the user hits the “Yes” button.

This feature cannot be removed from Android phones but can be disabled on the PC for an uninterrupted viewing experience. For viewers who are facing the video paused option on their mobile phones, click the Play option to continue watching. But there is definitely no way that the users can remove the video paused feature from their mobile devices.

If you are an ardent viewer of Youtube videos and like to watch entertaining and resourceful content daily, you must have come across the Video paused to continue watching popping up on the screen more than often. This Youtube action, though useful may become annoying to the users especially when they are glued to their favorite videos. 

Though this feature may leave the users perturbed at times Youtube has added it to maintain that its channel traffic is still active on the site. Videos are a huge source of revenue for Youtube through commercials that come during the pauses.

The video paused pops up on the screen when there has been no user activity for a long time like a click. This may also happen whenever the user is watching a video for a long duration of about 45 minutes.

It is very common for a user to fall asleep while watching a video when the content is not too engaging. The user may also become busy with some other work that is the need of the moment. This Youtube feature makes sure that the user does not lose precious bandwidth while staying online.


Youtube video users can now watch their favorite Youtube content and even music videos uninterrupted by installing Extensions. Those of you who are annoyed by the sudden passing of Youtube videos and are wondering how to stop or disable Video Paused Continue Watching on Youtube can simply install Extensions and watch your favorite shows at a stretch. Remember the Extension can only be used for Windows10 PC and Iphones. These Extensions cannot be installed on mobile devices.

  • Published by: Jhon
  • Category: Youtube Tv
  • Last Update: 1 week ago