How to Access AOL Mail With Windows Mail?

Access AOL Mail With Windows Mail

This article illustrates how to use a different email client, including Windows Mail, to access your AOL Mail email messages. AOL Mail sync instructions are provided for Windows 10 Mail and also the Windows 8 Mail app.

Using Windows 10 Mail, Access AOL Mail With Windows Mail

Using AOL Mail on a Windows device is as follows:

Step 1: Select Settings (the gear icon) in the lower-left corner of Mail after opening it.

How to Access AOL Mail With Windows Mail

Step 2: The Manage accounts option.

Step 3: Choose Add account. The box to select an account appears.

Access AOL Mail With Windows Mail

Step 4: Choose another account from the list of available choices.

Step 5: Fill out the rest of the page with your name and the account password after entering your AOL Mail email address within the first section.

Step 6: Choose Sign in.

Using Windows 10 Mail, Access AOL Mail With Windows Mail

Step 7: Choose Done. You may now access AOL Mail through Windows 10 Mail by using the menu button in the upper-left corner of Mail to swap across your email accounts.

Information on Windows 10 Mail

Information on Windows 10 Mail

In Windows 10 and Windows 8, Mail is the standard built-in email programme; in Windows Vista, it is known as Windows Mail. You may use Mail to access multiple email accounts, including your AOL Mail account, in one convenient location.

It's simple to sync Windows 10 Mail with AOL Mail because it instantly handles any email account that accepts POP or IMAP.

Use Mail in Windows 8 to Log Into an AOL Email Account

How to utilise AOL Mail on earlier versions of Windows is as follows:

Step 1: Press the WIN+C keyboard shortcut to launch the Mail application.

Step 2: From the menu that displays to the right of the screen, choose Settings.

Step 3: Select Accounts.

Step 4: Select Make a new account.

Step 5: From the list, select AOL.

Step 6: Fill in the boxes with your AOL email address and password.

Step 7: To link the AOL email account to the Mail app, choose the Connect option.

  • Published by: Mick Jone
  • Category: Email
  • Last Update: 1 day ago