
How to Open JAR Files in Windows 11?

Please let me know how to Open JAR files in Windows 11. I am facing some issues while using windows 11. If anyone knows about then help me.

Destin Porter 1   Ans 6 months ago
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Open JAR Files in Windows 11:

An archiving package format called a JAR file stores directories, including source files. JAR files are comparable to executable files and can be run, but they need the Java framework to function.

Even though you can execute pure Java JAR apps like other Windows programmes, you can't extract JAR with archiving software. Put,.class files, audio files, image files, or directories are all compressed in even a JAR file.

While Using Windows 11, How do I Open JAR Files in Windows 11?

You must download Java if it isn't installed on your computer because it cannot open a JAR file on a Windows computer without it.

Here are a few quick, detailed tips on how to open JAR files on Windows 11.

To Open a JAR file, Use CMD.

To launch Command Prompt using full permissions, left-click over Start on the Taskbar, type cmd within the Search field, and select Run as administrator from the menu.

  • Next, enter the next command line in the text box:
  • java -jar
  • c:\pathtojarfile.jar
  • Ensure that the path to the file you must run is substituted for the path in the example above. Next, click Enter.
  • If the executable JAR file has a file specifying the application's entry point, you can then launch the downloadable JAR file. 

The command-line programme is necessary for installing and debugging apps; nevertheless, if it breaks, learn how to repair Command Prompt in Windows.

To Open a JAR File in Windows 11, Double-Click It

  • To launch File Explorer, press Windows + E.
  • Locate the folder containing the JAR file(s) you want to launch.
  • Next, from the context menu, right-click on the JAR file you want to open and choose Open with.
  • Then choose a different app.
  • Pick Open with and then select Java(TM) Platform SE binaries from the list of available alternatives.
  • After that, Always select open with this app.
  • Check the box next to the "JAR files" to end the menu.
  • Now, It can open all JAR files in Java by double-clicking them, even the one you chose.

Create a .bat File

  • To open File Explorer, press Windows + E.
  • From the menu selections at the top, select the three-dot menu icon. Choose Options in the drop-down menu.
  • Choose the View tab from the menu whenever the Folder Options window opens.
  • Under Advanced settings, scroll down to Hide extensions for known file types and uncheck the item.
  • To save the changes, hit OK. Currently, the file extensions are also included in the file names.
  • Now open Notepad in the folder containing your JAR file, and type the following text in it:
  • java -jar yourfilename.jar
  • Make sure your file name is changed to the name of the.jar file.
  • Use the.bat extension when saving the file.

When you double-click the BAT file after completing the procedures, the JAR file will open and run appropriately.

And that's how you use Windows 11 to open or use JAR files. As an option, users may visit the JARX website and acquire the Jarx-1.2-installer.exe file to configure a third-party JAR executor on Windows 11.

Steffan 11 March 2023