
How to Optimize Windows 10 for Gaming and Performance?

Hello, Please let me know that how to optimize windows 10 for gaming and performance. I am facing some issues in window 10. Help me with this.

John Oxley 1   Ans 7 months ago
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Optimize Windows 10 for Gaming and Performance:

There is no better OS for gaming than Windows 10 but there are several users who don’t know how to optimally utilize it for gaming. Here in this guide you will get to know how you can enhance gaming performance on Windows 10.

1) Update Your GPU Drivers

Prior to getting started with your intense gaming session, you need to make sure that latest GPU drivers are installed on your system. It is essential to install the latest drivers because if you play with outdated drivers, then it can completely ruin your gaming experience. Playing with outdated drivers can lead to problems like game crashing and visual glitches.

Installing latest GPU drivers is something that you need to do manually as this isn’t something made available to you by Windows 10. To install the latest GPU drivers, all you have to do is to visit the official website of the manufacturer, select your GPU model and download it.

Install the software and then restart your PC. This way you will be free from the hassle of updating the drivers again and again as most of the GPU settings search for updates automatically.

2) Don’t let Windows Updates Spoil Your Gaming Experience

You would obviously not want your game to get interrupted because of Windows update installation. This is why you should enable pause updates. To do so, these are the steps that you need to follow.

  • Press Windows key and Q simultaneously.
  • Enter updates
  • Click on Windows update settings
  • Select advanced options
  • Select pause updates

This is going to pause update installations for the next 35 days. Once you are done with gaming or have some spare time in between, enable automatic updates and install them. You would obviously not want your gaming to get affected because of the updates but you also can’t avoid installing them. Therefore, install the updates whenever you find time.

3) Adjust Visual Effects

Windows 10 has a beautiful user interface but it acts as a hindrance while gaming as it uses a lot of processing power. The glow in the background may interfere with the game that the user is playing the foreground. Thus, it is imperative to disable visual effects to speed up the gaming performance.

Below-mentioned are the steps that a user needs to carry out for disabling visual effects.
  • Hit Windows key and Q key concurrently.
  • There, enter advanced settings.
  • Now, click on “View advanced system settings”.
  • Go to “Performance” and click on “Settings”.
  • Select custom and uncheck all the items.

4) Don’t Allow Steam Download During Gaming

Steam settings enable a user to download games or install updates in the background while working on something else in the forefront. This wouldn’t affect you much if you play offline games. But if you are into online gaming, then it can cause your machine to lag. So, it is advisable to turn off these settings so that the data can travel smoothly from your system to the server and back.

5) Turn off Mouse Acceleration

Mouse acceleration feature of Windows 10 enables your mouse to move speedily. By disabling mouse acceleration, you can move your cursor more precisely while playing games, especially in games where your target is first person shooters.

Follow these steps to bring increased cursor speed in control.
  • Press Windows+Q
  • Enter pointer
  • Click on “Change the mouse pointer display or speed”.
  • Remove the tick from the enhanced pointer position.

6) Upgrade to SSD

Another way to boost gaming performance on Windows 10 is to upgrade an SSD for gaming. SSD does not actually improve the gaming performance but it saves all the time that gets wasted in loading the screen. Remember, SSDs are costlier in comparison to HDDs.

So, if your budget does not allow you to have an SSD for both gaming as well as operating system, then you can use the HDD for gaming and SSD for operating system.

So, these were some tips for optimizing Windows 10 for gaming. Above-stated pointers are not only great for optimizing gaming performance but also improves overall performance of your Windows 10 operating system.

Morris Ivan 08 May 2021