
How to Disable Autoplay Videos on Sites in Google Chrome?

Please let me know that how to disable autoplay videos on sites in Google Chrome. I am facing some issues while searching for information on Google. Help me.

Cyrus Neal 1   Ans 6 months ago
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Disable Autoplay Videos on Sites in Google Chrome:

The most annoying feature that we experience on sites like YouTube or any similar site is that of autoplay. There’s nothing more annoying than this. The videos start playing automatically even if they aren’t related to the content you might be searching for or want to look for.

If you’re a parent and want to monitor everything that your child is seeing, the best thing is to Disable Autoplay Videos on Sites in Google Chrome. This will not only protect your child from seeing uncensored content but will also keep unauthorized advertisements at bay. 

But there’s always a solution or at least an alternative available on the internet. And here you will see how you can Disable Autoplay Videos on Sites in Google Chrome. So there are multiple options available, let’s see how you can Disable Autoplay Videos on Sites in Google Chrome on your computer or laptop.

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1. Stop Video Autoplay Android Chrome:

The majority of users find the Autoplay option really annoying when accessed on android. When the autoplay option is enabled, often a huge amount of data is wasted in watching videos and audio that isn’t relevant at all.

Since Chrome plays videos automatically which wastes the bandwidth on mobile, it’s best to turn autoplay off permanently. Android provides easy options to Disable Autoplay Videos on Sites in Google Chrome. 

Step 1: First launch the browser and go to Settings. From the drop-down menu, select Site Settings.

Step 2: Tap on the option for Media and under it click on Autoplay. Switch off the option for Autoplay.

2. Stop Autoplay Videos Chrome Windows 10:

On Chrome’s desktop version, you don’t really find an option available to turn off the Autoplay option. Although the company has declared that with regular updates, features like Autoplay will be available, until then you can still get similar results by digging a bit. 

Step 1: Open Google Chrome and type chrome://flags/#autoplay-policy

Step 2: Press Enter and it will bring you to the flag that you need to change

Step 3: Change the settings from Default to Document User activation Required.

Step 4: After doing so, relaunch the browser

Step 5: Now even if an autoplay video appears on any site it won’t autoplay, and it will allow you to specifically click or tap on its play. 
This will save you a lot of data and unnecessary videos that might only cause your concentration to hover and distractions to creep in. Although there isn’t an exact option available to Disable Autoplay Videos on Sites in Google Chrome, you can still work with alternatives.

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In YouTube, there’s specifically an option to stop autoplay but when it comes to websites, that’s an issue since web browsers like Chrome, Internet Explorer, etc do not offer any such feature to disable autoplay.

Such autoplay is very risky for users who are underage to have access to certain kinds of videos or data. The autoplay option doesn’t really consider the user who is accessing the website and plays the video whichever is next. 

Cyrus neal 25 May 2022