
How to Block Unwanted Emails From Senders in Yahoo Mail?

Is there anyone who knows how to block unwanted emails from senders in Yahoo email. I am facing some issues while trying to block it. Help me.

Ronald Dennis 1   Ans 2 months ago
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Block Unwanted Emails From Senders in Yahoo Mail:

How to filter unsolicited emails from up to 500 addresses in Yahoo Mail is described in this article. This article's guidelines relate to Yahoo Mail's web-based versions.

  • In Yahoo Mail, block emails from unwanted senders.
  • Use these steps to block emails in Yahoo Mail:
  • Open a web browser, navigate to Yahoo Mail, log into your account, then click the Settings gear symbol within the top-right corner of the window.
  • At the bottom of the Settings pane, click More Settings.
  • In the left pane, choose Privacy and Security, and afterward click Add in the Blocked Addresses section.
  • Enter the email address you would like to block in the Address text box underneath the Add an email address for the block section.
  • Choose to save.

Block Unwanted Emails From Senders in Yahoo Mail Basic


  • To add an email address to Yahoo Mail Basic's list of unwelcome senders:
  • The drop-down arrow next to your account name should be selected.
  • Go after selecting Options from the drop-down list.
  • Blocked Addresses can be found in the left pane.
  • Enter the email address you would like to block in the Add an address text box.
  • For the address to be added to your blocked list, select the plus symbol (+).

Blocking Spam Messages is Different from Blocking Undesirable Senders

Because spammers frequently use a different address (or domain name) for each unsolicited email they send, blocking email addresses is not an efficient spam prevention approach. You can modify the built-in spam blocker for Yahoo Mail.

The Yahoo Mail App allows for the blocking of senders. Only the web editions of Yahoo Mail allow you to ban undesirable email addresses. In your phone's browser, access the desktop site, and use a computer alternative.

Steffan 09 November 2022